Saturday, August 11, 2018

Passion and Setting Guidelines

This week I realized that there can be multiple things I am passionate about.  The first step in Mastering something is looking for opportunities that align with my passions. This will be a good first step in finding success.

Jeff Sandefer interviewed Entrepreneurs and asked what was "The secret to their success skill, character or Luck" Although an argument could be made on each of these I think the deposits of these that Jeff discovered was where I learned the most from. Becoming a Master in an industry having good business judgement and forming strong relationships and reputation lead to success.  Lastly and above all else "Stay the Course" As we learned in the other readings we may reach a plateau or hit discouragement but its sticking with it day to day that over time success will be realized.

My biggest take aways from "My Hero's journey" was that we are in the process of becoming. And the process can lead us down paths we never thought possible if we do not but guidelines or guardrails in place. For work I travel and am in situations that I would not normally put myself in. On a regular basis I take a self assessment to ensure that I am within the guardrails the Lord has set to keep me safe and on the path to becoming like my Savior. There have been times that I have had to push against what was expected to stay within my guardrails. I have found that blessing come over time when I do the right thing.

Finally I also appreciated the perspective that there is opportunity in large companies to leave a mark. This has inspired me to look within the company I work now and find these opportunities and make a difference.

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